I’m Joe Krause, a multidisciplinary artist living in Detroit.
Community radio, films, performances, music, city tours, zines, sound design, audio theater, cultural documentation, podcasts and so on. Join my newsketter, follow my socials, smash the things.
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Zelda and the Unibrows – Unreason (film)
This 2010 short film uses the 2007 album of the same name as score. A live-action cartoon, a silent film, a dumb play about Zelda and the Unibrows.
Zelda and the Unibrows – Unreason
For the third album, Zelda and the Unibrows introduce a host of new collaborators and eschew mid-2000s Detroit hipsterdom in an hilarious send-up about “City Kids” that will have you splitting your sides with nostalgia and smug judgement! Don’t miss: “Couch” is mesmerizing! “Adaptive Reuse” is a charming fixer-upper! And “Secret Penis” mystifies critics and scientists alike.
Chinese Happy – Bear Hands
Album 4 of 4 recorded for Chinese Happy, closing 2006 with optimism.
The Zelda and the Unibrows Podcast
A six-episode experiment with the new-fangled “pod-cast” format. Includes all kinds of goodness unavailable elsewhere including a great ambient piece called “Stretchy Penis,” an hour-long takeover of WPHS, and guest appearances from collaborators.
Andrew J. Baillargeon – Devil's Cake Mix
An EP I recorded for Andy Baillargeon, hot on the heels of finishing the “Knowing What Birds Know” full-length. This album seems to be unavailable.
Andrew J. Baillargeon – Knowing What Birds Know
The first of two releases I recorded for my friend Andrew J. Baillargeon. I play a few very minimal accordion parts on a few tracks, and Samuel Seed engineered a few, too.
Waiting For Lunch Radio Theatre – The Mangler
The Mangler devours future criminals as babies, preventing their lives of crime. Join this heroic figure and his Uncle, Dr. Horatio, on a twisted journey of craven insanity. This one-season serial produced by Waiting For Lunch Radio Theatre reveals some of the foundation under Erie Canal Theatre’s formation a decade later.
Chinese Happy – Apathy Is Worse Than Hatred
This is the second of four albums I recorded for high school friends Chinese Happy with co-engineer Jason Sterle. We set up our gear on a card table, mixed with home stereo speakers and backed up to an iPod, because they could be used as hard drives. Early Aughties suburban punk.
Zelda and the Unibrows – Greens
“Greens,” the second Zelda and the Unibrows album, stands as two one-act plays: “Happy Tape,” a charming suite of original music scored to the voices found on a thrift-store cassette circa 1978, and “The Inconceivable Excursions of Captain Spacerocket In The 24th Century,” a rather noisy space opera of sorts.
Zelda and the Unibrows – Neves-eatnouT
Neves-eatnouT is the 2001 debut album by Zelda and the Unibrows. This “trendy teenage basement opera” made its way through college radio in the U.S. and on CBC-2 in Canada, and inspired many introverted art videos.
Mr. Rogers' Sweatshop
I co-founded this improv comedy troupe straight out of high school, along with Lou Houchin, Jesse Callis, Clifton Highfield and Chuck Charbeneau. We performed hundreds of shows, then went out with a bang.
Waiting For Lunch Magazine Presents Binge & Purge
This was a comedy compilation featuring Jon “Bermuda” Schwartz, Christopher Holt, Zelda and the Unibrows, Tony Mason (aka None Of The Above), Tom Rockwell, The Portuguese Rodeo Clown Company, and other people I knew in the 1990s.
Prosthetic Lips: The "Weird Al" Yankovic Tribute Album
Fans from the newsgroup alt.music.weird-al mailed cassette tapes to my mom’s P.O. box when I was 15 so I could compile this: the first-ever “Weird Al” Yankovic tribute album. Long unavailable, it’s back on this site for free as of June 27, 2020.
Waiting For Lunch Magazine
In high school I self-published a zine. Some of it parodied my high school newspaper, all of it was silly. Weird Al, opera, comics, short stories and poetry.
Photocopiers, word processors, paper, scissors, ink-jet printers, desktop publishing, saddle-staplers, cutting boards, photo prints, rubber cement and a post office box. $1 or trade. 1990s zinemaking.