Waiting For Lunch Magazine Presents Binge & Purge


“Binge & Purge” was a cassette released in conjuction with my zine, Waiting For Lunch. A few years after the tape, I made a CD. Then it went out of print and decades past, and now this low-resolution image of the CD cover is all I can find until I search through filing cabinets at my mom’s house one day. In other words, this one is unavailable.

This was a comedy compilation featuring Jon “Bermuda” Schwartz, Christopher Holt, Zelda and the Unibrows, Tony Mason (aka None Of The Above), Tom Rockwell, The Portuguese Rodeo Clown Company, and other people I knew in the 1990s.

One track I can locate is a Super Mario remix that’s pretty low-fi by today’s standards, but which contains samples of Chris and Paul from Zelda and the Unibrows as well as my mom. At the end you can hear a weird little bumper I made to promote the magazine in high school.


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